(v. 27) Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature? (v. 34) Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. Matthew 6:27 & 34
Isn’t my dress pretty? I’ve been waiting over a year to wear it.
When I received a text regarding a get-together for the female cousins, I finally had somewhere to wear my dress. The color theme was red and/or black and business casual.
What does this have to do with the verses above?
I struggle with anxiety, including social anxiety. Do I like to talk? Yep. Do I talk nonstop to my friends? Yep. Do I even talk to y’all in these innanet streets? Yep.
But, when it comes to being in a social atmosphere, I get anxious. I look for a way out. I’m happy when plans are canceled or I have a conflicting event. The perfect scenario is for the whole thing to be canceled so I don’t feel guilty if I don’t go.
All of my life, I’ve felt like I was different. Both sides of my family are hilarious! Like will have you crying laughing. That type of funny. Then, there’s me. I grew into having humor. I can get just about anyone to laugh now. Maybe not crying laughing, but I can get you to kee-kee a lil.
Feeling different has made me anxious. It makes me self-conscious. I feel like when I go somewhere out of the norm, I won’t be able to contribute to the conversation. So, instead of feeling this, I’d rather just stay home in my comfy environment.
However, God doesn’t want us to feel anxious. He doesn’t want us to worry about bad things that could happen.
You may be worried about sickness that has affected you or someone you know.
I worry about feeling weird or others thinking I’m weird.
Whatever it is, let’s try not to worry. It won’t change a thing other than making you have knots in your stomach.
So, I went to the party. I added to the conversation where I could. I ate the delicious lasagna. I took pictures. And then my husband and kids picked me up.
I made it through the party. And then I made it home back to my comfy environment.
Look for the peace in your inner storm. Mine is home.
I hope you have a wonderful day!